
Here's how shipping works,

When you ship apparel to us:

Sorry, but there's no way around it.  If it get's mailed, it gets shipped. 

That means shipping fees will be charged by the U.S. Post Office. 

So, when you ship in mailer bags to us, you will need to:

  1. Fill up your mailer bag (we mail this to you upon request).
  2. Seal it closed.
  3. Peel off the back of the shipping label and stick to the outside of mailer bag (label is enclosed inside the mailer bag envelope sent to you).
  4. Go to your nearest Post Office and have them weigh mailer bag. 
  5. Post Office charges a shipping fee.  Since we have no way of knowing what your shipping fee will be (the price of your mailer bag to us), we have no way to cover the cost.
Therefore, since we can't cover your shipping cost, we'll offer a $5.00 discount on your first purchase as an introductory offer, if your apparel is selected for consignment.  Remember, this is just an introductory offer to those shipping in their mailer bags/ consignment items. 



    You can Drop-N-Run. Personally drop off your consignment items at one of our designated locations and ( $0.00 in shipping fees) run

    When we ship to you:

    You pay no shipping fee for purchases over $50.00.